Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Locas en Barcelona

Well, Barcelona chewed me up and spit me out tired, hung over, sunburnt, pierced and a little bloody...

The first day we got into Barcelona around 10am, checked into our no frills but clean and nicely located hostel and set out on the town. We walked Las Ramblas from the harbor up to Plaza de Catalunya and observed all the street performers in their ridiculous outfits. We found the market right away with their wide array of fruit for super cheap (delicious). After hanging out in the Plaza for a while, we headed over to La Sangrada Familia, the famous Gaudi cathedral that is still under construction. The outside was amazing, even with all the construction cranes around it. Chelsea and I debated not going inside as the entrance fee was like 11 euro but we didn't have anything else planned for then and had time to kill, so we went in and I am SO glad we did. The inside was even more amazing than the exterior. So many pretty stained glass windows! After checking out the cathedral's museum, Chelsea and I took some time to just sit and chat in a couple of the parks right next to la Sagrada Familia. We wasted time until dinner when we got a little lost trying to find a few recommended restaurants. One wasn't open and one was WAY too busy but we ended up in a little electronics shop where Chelsea found a camera for the same price as in the United States that she liked, so she bought it! (Her camera was stolen in Cadiz, so she had been without one for some time...) In celebration, we had dinner at the GREATEST burger place I had been to in my whole life. Teriyaki burger, fries and a drink for like 9 euro! Ahh. Then was a little nap time and got ready and went to the club Razmatazz. It was the sickest club I've ever seen! First of all, it was huge. It had 5 separate clubs inside of it... Not just different rooms or floors but complete clubs. We mostly stuck around the main room with an awesome DJ. The 15 euro cover was a bit steep, but by the end of the night I thought it was worth it. Then, after virtually being awake for 24 hours, we went to the hostel and slept!

The inside of La Sagrada Familia.

Me in a park outside of the cathedral.

The greatest, most emotionally satisfying burger I have ever eaten.

The DJ spinning in the main room at Razmatazz!

Day two was pretty chill. We slept in (wayyy in) and took our time getting ready and getting breakfast (more fruit!). We wandered over the Cathedral of Barcelona and happened across a breakdancing/acrobatic street show. Then after that, on the other side of the square we watched the Sardana dances. The Sardana dance is a traditional dance kinda Greek style in a circle holding hands that many locals dance in front of the Cathedral on Saturdays and Sundays. It was so cool to see all the older men and women just rocking this cool little circle dance! Then, Chelsea went on a little searching adventure to check out prices for piercings. But instead of checking out prices, we just decided to get em done at the first place we encountered! First me with my nose and Chelsea with her frontal helix. (FYI, I did not tell my parents about this part of the trip. I think I will leave my nose piercing for a nice little surprise for the next time they see me.) Then, snacks at a bar and back to the hostel to get ready to go out. This night we went to Opium, a super swanky club right on the beach. Another huge club, but this time with very fancy dressed, beautiful looking people. They even had some semi classy dancers dancing on the side of the dancefloor. It was fun, but at some point in time I cut my foot on some broken glass and after a couple creepers, Chelsea and I decided to walk back to the hostel. Of course when we are super tired we get lost and can't find a cab, but we eventually started walking in the right direction and got back safe and sound. 

The street performers. 

The Sardana dance.

More Sardana dancing.

My birthday present to myself! (I repeat, my parents do not know about this...)

One of the dancers at the swanky Opium club.

On the last day we checked out and literally spent all day just laying on the beach. I, of course, got sunburnt, but not too bad. For dinner we satisfied our Japanese craving at a buffet place that served food along a little conveyer belt. Then we picked up our bags from the hostel and wasted some time and eventually made it to the airport. Our flight was at 6am, so we got some nap time on the really cold uncomfortable airport floor. So, for my 21st birthday I spent the night in an airport, got home and took a nap and then did a bunch of homework the rest of the day! I bet I'm the coolest 21 year old ever but I didn't care because I had such a blast in Barcelona that it was more than enough for me!

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