Sunday, January 30, 2011

España Auténtica

Today, I think I got a real taste of authentic Spain. So, for the past couple days my house mother, Rosario, has been telling Chelsea and I that she planned to go to the country with her friends on Sunday. We were bummed out because we love spending time with Rosario, but we thought oh fine, we'll make do without her. Then today, Rosario kept repeating that she was leaving at 12:15. Then noon came around and Chelsea and I were just sitting in our pajamas, relaxing with our coffee, when Rosario came into the room and became all worried why we weren't ready yet! We then realized that the reason she had been talking about it so much was because she wanted us to go with her!! For some reason, our invitation to the country had gotten lost in translation : / Anyways, so we hurried up and got ready and we were off!

Rosario's friend Petrie drove us about a half hour out of Sevilla into the country. We met up with another car of two old ladies who were showing us the way out to an olive grove. When we were almost there, the car in front of us tried to avoid driving through a puddle but ended up stuck in an irrigation culvert! There was no damage to the car and no one was hurt, but it was definitely a hilarious situation seeing all these old women flit about and not understand a word they were saying. One of the women made a call on her cell phone and a couple older men came and got the car out safe and sound.

The little car in the irrigation culvert. Notice the wheel off the road.

When we finally arrived to the little country "casita" (tiny little shack in the middle of a grove of olive trees), the food was ready for us. TWO TABLES FULL! Granted, there were probably about 10 or 12 people there but there was definitely plenty of food. They had chips, olives, crackers, mystery dip, different types of ham (of course), cheese, Spanish stuffing, and grilled sardines (there was a lot more that I am forgetting). Then, when I thought I couldn't eat any more, they brought out four different homemade desserts. Since Chelsea and I were the young American guests, every time the old ladies saw that our plates were empty or our mouths weren't chewing, they gave us more to eat. I honestly don't think I will need to eat for at least another two days.

The ladies preparing the table for lunch.

The Spanish stuffing. It was amazing!

Some mystery spread/meat thing that Petrie had me try. Not so amazing.

During this meal there was a lot of talking, singing, music and even some dancing by Rosario and Petrie. Although Chelsea and I couldn't understand any of the conversation it was a really great time. Definitely an experience!

One of the olive trees.

Chelsea investigating where our Spanish stuffing came from.

1 comment:

  1. In order to show that you're full, leave a little bit on your plate.
    In Spain being a member of the clean plate club means you didn't get enough food so you had to eat it all.
    It sounds like you're having a great time. Enjoy it! Takes lots of pictures! If your University doesn't require it already, keep a journal, you'll be thankful you did, it will help you keep track of when you did things, people's names in pictures, and when you go back and read it 5, 10, 15 years later, it brings back SO many great memories.
    Blog more so I can live vicariously through you!
    Vale! Que tenga un buen dia.
    Carrie Carstens
