Monday, February 7, 2011

The Alcázar of Sevilla

Figured I would tell you guys about my tour of the Alcázar in Sevilla before I forgot about it. The Alcázar Real (Royal Castle) is located right next to the Cathedral in Sevilla. It was originally built as a Moorish castle in about 913 AD, but subsequent Spanish monarchs added onto it, making it into the elaborate building it is today. Although almost the entire castle is open for tours and visitors, the upper levels of the Alcazar are still used today as the official Sevilla residence of the Spanish Royal Family. The Alcazar also includes extensive gardens, which you will see pictures of. Of course, I forgot to charge my camera for this tour so I took all these pictures on my iPhone. AND because Chelsea and I are awesome, we were late for the tour and didn't meet back up with our group until the end, so I don't actually know the stories behind most of the rooms, statues, art, etc. in the castle. But I got some cool pictures, so enjoy!

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