Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hey, just wanted to let everyone know that I am having a great time. I've been in Spain for almost four weeks and I've finally settled into a routine with class and homework, so that has made a huge difference. I’m getting along with my roommate, Chelsea, really, really well and we both absolutely love our house mom, Rosario.

I am currently taking Intermediate Spanish II, Ecological Systems, International Marketing, Spanish Civilization and Culture and Spanish Culture and History Through Film. My language class is difficult for me because I kinda suck at Spanish, but little by little I am getting better. Other than that, my other classes are pretty easy so far and fun. There is a lot of reading and not much homework so I have been able to stay up to date with the coursework.

Chelsea and I are currently finalizing all our plans for our trip to Paris in two weekends! We will be there for 6 days and 5 nights. This will be our first big adventure on our own since coming to Spain, so we are really excited about it!

Leccion de Vocabulario

bocadillo -  this is the Spanish word for sandwich! The study abroad kids love our bocadillos. Our Spanish mama’s make them for us for school and any day we won’t be home for lunch. Usually, they are ham. Rosario has noticed though that Chelsea and I aren’t super crazy about the ham, so we have had a lot of turkey instead. Haha. Although she has branched out to chorizo and the Spanish version of salami lately.

postres – Spanish word for “dessert.” I have definitely been enjoying the Spanish postres, possibly a little too much. Although my Spanish madre feeds me very healthy, I always find my way to wonderful desserts.

jarra – Spanish for “jar” or “pitcher.” However, it is also the name of the size of a beer here in Spain. :) I most commonly enjoy jarras of Mahou or Cruzcampo.

My half-drank jarra de cerveza.

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