Monday, February 7, 2011

Ruins of Ítalica

Friday morning we went to the ruins of Ítalica, Roman ruins that are located very close to Sevilla. Chelsea and I made it to this trip on time, but for some reason I am having terrible luck with my camera and accidentally forgot it. But again, I took some pictures on my iPhone, they didn't turn out as good as the ones at the Alcázar, but it worked.

Ítalica was a Roman city that founded in 206 BC originally as a retirement village for injured and old soldiers of the Roman army. Eventually the city grew in size and even featured a coliseum for gladiator games and a large amphitheater. The Roman Emperor Trajan was born in this city in 53 AD. Although most of the city is still uncovered, some of the area where the houses used to be and the coliseum are available to be toured. However, the coliseum is not fully intact as it lost its 3rd balcony of seating area due to dynamite from a highway being built over the area sometime in the 50s (I think).

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