Sunday, March 27, 2011

Halfway Gone

As of last Sunday, my time here in Spain is officially over halfway done. I thought this would be a good time to give you some updates on my life and give some reflection on what I've done so far and what I have left to do.

For an update, first of all I should tell you that Chelsea and I have recently decided to cut back on the Nutella and digestive cookies in order to fit into all the clothes that we have been buying here. So far, we've actually been doing really good. The weather has been so nice lately, like 75 F, and we each bought ourselves a pair of rollerblades which has kept us outside a lot.

As for school, it's been going okay. My midterms went really well and I'm probably not doing as great in my classes as I could be, but I am passing all of them so that is good enough for me. It's been difficult to be an A+ student with all the traveling that I have been doing, but I will get by. I still have a lot more traveling to do!

So, I feel like I have accomplished quite a lot so far with my time here in Spain. As you can see in my blog, I've done quite a bit of traveling, most of it going to places I never thought I would be able to and doing things I never thought I would do. I've gained a better understanding and appreciation of other cultures, especially of Spain. I've also picked up a bit more Spanish here as well. Most importantly, I've met three of the most amazing friends I have ever had. All of this has made me feel more comfortable with myself and my surroundings and I can tell you that although I miss a lot of people back home in Minnesota, I am truly happy here.

As for what's to come, well I have quite a bit more traveling to do. Barcelona (if we ever buy our tickets), Morocco, another big trip during Feria (that has yet to be planned), and hopefully some time spent at the beach are all coming up. I will be able to experience the two biggest festivals in Sevilla, Semana Santa and Fería de Abril. Also, I'm hoping to work even more on my Spanish and somehow find the time to immerse myself in Spanish culture and make more friends, both American and Spanish. I am really hoping that I can take complete advantage of the time I have left here in Spain because we all know that you have more regrets with the things you never do than the things you did.

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