Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Palma de Mallorca for St. Patty's Day

This last weekend, I went to Palma de Mallorca, an island off the coast of Spain near Barcelona. Since Chelsea was in Morocco this last weekend, it was just Adrienne, Renata and I on this adventure. We flew into Palma at about 9:30 on Thursday night. When we arrived to our hotel, the lobby bar was full of older people playing Bingo in German. When I saw this, I knew we were in for an awesome weekend. Without wasting any time, we dropped off our bags and headed into the city in order to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We honestly had no idea what we were doing, so we kind of just wandered in and out of bars. We ended up at an English bar called the Corner Bar and met some really interesting and nice people. It seems like most of the people who hang out there work on the yachts in Palma. Well we celebrated the night away with our new friends until Renata got a wee bit sick so we took care of her and took her back to the hotel. 

Us girls on St. Patty's Day with one of our new friends, Penny. She was awesome!

The next day, we just hung out on the beach. It’s still the off-season in Palma and the water wasn’t really warm enough to swim in, but we just hung out on the beach and laid in the sun and Adrienne and I played a little Frisbee. I got burnt. My forehead was flashing neon red for a little while, but I am better now though. We had lunch practically right on the beach and then later we went to a small German restaurant and I had schnitzel for the first time. It was aight. Then, we went out again with our new nice friends. The next day was very similar, just laid on the beach all day. We flew out at 9pm that night with much sadness in our hearts that we had to leave. It was really refreshing to go somewhere and not have to be such a tourist. All we did was go to the bars, meet some cool people, and lay on the beach and that made for pretty much a perfect weekend for us! 

On the beach.

The beach and mountains in the distance.

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